Victim Advocate

Whitley Wilson
The Victim Advocacy Unit of the Franklin County Sheriff's office was established as a first responder unit to provide immediate assistance to those individuals who have been victimized by crime. Today the unit consists of 1 permanent advocate and 3 volunteers. Together these advocates provide victim assistance on a 24 hour basis. Victim Advocacy services include:
- On Scene Assistance
- Crisis Intervention Counseling
- Death Notification
- Short Term Counseling
- Support Through the Criminal Process
- Return of Property
- Community Information/Referrals
- Emergency Financial Assistance (food, shelter, filing for victim compensation, etc.)
- Emergency Legal Assistance (i.e. protective injunctions)
- Safety Planning
- Transportation
Crime victimization leaves victims, families and their friends in a state of turmoil. In addition to the emotional trauma victims experience they also suffer physical injury and significant financial loss. As a result of the multifaceted needs that result from the victimization, the Franklin County Sheriff's Office depends heavily on the concerned citizens of Franklin County and the local network of service providers such as:
- Refuge House 653-3313
- Rape Crisis 681-2111
- State Attorney 653-8181
- Clerk of Court 653-8861
- Apalachee Center 653-9744
- Telephone Counseling 224-6333
"It won't happen to me"
We rarely think about victims until we or someone we know becomes one... and then the struggle to understand why is overwhelming.
Victim advocates help people realize their reactions are normal and the event is abnormal. Anytime we experience a change in our lifestyle, we all go through predictable stages:
While we can prepare you for what to expect, we can't tell you how long it will take to go through these stages.
Volunteer Opportunities
An intensive training program is provided to those individuals in volunteering with the victim advocacy unit. Upon completion of advanced training modules, volunteers can participate at varying levels of involvement with staff advocates. For information on the next available training program please call 850-670-5774 or 850-670-8500.
Big Bend Victim Assistance Coalition
"Together we can make a difference for victims and their families." In an effort to coordinate and promote advocacy efforts on behalf of all victims of crime, the victim advocacy unit actively participates in the Big Bend Victim Assistance Coalition. Efforts include addressing victim's needs at the legislative level, providing emergency assistance to victims, and the annual organization of activities for victim's rights week. To become a member please call 850-891-4246.
Monetary donations may be contributed to the Victim Advocacy Fund to assist victims of crime.
Mail to:
Victim Advocate Fund
270 State Rd. 65
Eastpoint, FL 32328