
Deborah Dempsey
Chief of Staff / Sheriff's Executive Assistant
850-670-8519 x1108
Deborah Dempsey started working for Sheriff AJ “Tony” Smith in 2019 and in 2021 rose to the role of Chief of Staff.
Dempsey organizes and prioritizes critical issues as they come in and gathers the required information for the Sheriff. She is responsible for all matters involving scheduling for Sheriff Smith, in and out of the office. Dempsey is responsible for cross-functional communication and collaboration with all the divisions of the Sheriff’s Office to improve productivity.
Dempsey graduated from Florida State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Criminology and a Minor in Psychology.
All inquiries for the Sheriff please email and she will be happy to assist.
Ginger Coulter
Chief Finance Officer
850-670-8519 x1134
Oversees the budgetary and fiscal management of the Sheriff's Office, including all payroll related duties. Processes vendor invoices and payments, monthly bank reconciliations, serves as Grant Project Director, processes Quarterly Reports to various state agencies. Oversees Human Resources Department, Victim Advocate Department, Warrants Division, and Civil Division of the Sheriff's Office.
The responsibilities of the Finance Department vary greatly and include the development, implementation, maintenance and control of the Sheriff’s Office budget. Functions include budgeting and analysis, review of accounts, purchasing approval of goods and services, control of expenditures and payments, all department payroll transactions, and other data entry functions. In addition, this division is responsible for all grant requests and grant reporting requirements, deposit of revenue from various sources and other general accounting functions as required.
The Finance Office’s primary function is to maintain departmental financial accountability to ensure internal financial controls for efficiency, accuracy and compliance. The Finance Department and the Sheriff’s Office are audited each year by independent auditors.
Dana Pavon
Human Resources
850-670-8500 x1105, direct line 850-670-4807, fax 850-713-9822
The human resources manager’s main duty is to provide assistance to the Sheriff and his approximately 85 employees and volunteers as well as provide service to the general public.
One of the most important roles of HR is the recruitment and selection process for new hires. HR receives and processes employment and volunteer applications for all positions. HR is responsible for overseeing transfers and coordinating the promotional process within the agency. HR supervises the maintenance of personnel and medical records for all employees and volunteers, manages all Health, Dental and Life Insurance benefits, enrolls members into the Florida Retirement Systems, oversees FDLE registration compliance, and provides employee support wherever it may be needed. Additionally, HR manages Workers Compensation and the Family Medical Leave Act.
Keli Taylor
Criminal and Warrants
850-670-8519 x1102
Handles all paperwork except for juveniles for example:
Criminal witness subpoenas from the State Attorney and Public Defender Office
Criminal Summons, Warrants, and Cash Bonds
Makes sure inmates are in court on their assigned court date.
Also handles writ of attachments for child support.
Rhetta Strange
Civil Division
850-670-8519 x1126
The civil section at the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office is part of the Administration Division and consists of the Enforceable Unit, the Non- Enforceable Unit and Civil Process Unit. The responsibility of this section is to effect the service and / or enforcement of all judicial process, both enforceable and non- enforceable, originating from the Supreme Court, Circuit Court, County Courts and Board of County Commissioners. As this is part of the duties and powers of the Sheriff, pursuant to Chapter 30.15(1) Florida Statutes.
Major Gary Martina
850-670-8519 x1111
Serves as quarter master, over school resource deputies, special projects, sheriff’s office property for deputies, corrections, firearms, inventory of vehicles, coordinates with outside agencies for emergencies, radar and harris radio coordinator as well as training coordinator for all educational training for the sheriff’s office certified employees.
Training: Thomas Webb
The Training Division provides many different types of training programs for the employees of the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office. The overall goal of the Training Division is to provide training programs that enable the employees to function effectively, and ensure compliance with the needs of each employee’s job classification/description and the requirements of the position while meeting the guidelines set by the State of Florida Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission (CJSTC).